
Opportunities for Churches and Congregations


We are always in need of more prayers. We depend on dedicated prayer from church partners and prayer teams to fuel our mission. All your prayers are heard and appreciated. Thank you for all your prayers and the help they have delivered to us. Please continue to send your support.


We simply could not do what we do without the support of our local churches. They allow us to be an independent source of truth and grace to women in our area. Ask your church to partner with us for regular, monthly giving. Donate to change lives within our community.

Launch a Baby Bottle Campaign

Baby bottle campaigns are a valuable link from our clinic to church partners. Launch a Baby Bottle Campaign at your church to raise awareness and to collect coins and cash in baby bottles and help fund Hope Women’s Center. This is a great project for women’s Bible studies, youth groups, and the entire church community. Contact Hope today to become a church partner

Church Liaison

Be the contact for your church. We need individual church members to be our contact person between Hope Women’s Center and their church family. Our liaison communicates events, volunteer training, and updates about Hope Women’s Center. Contact Hope today to become a church liaison.

Become a Partner

Refer Those in Need

Fifty-four percent of women terminating a pregnancy identify themselves as Protestant or Catholic, so it is an issue that impacts both those inside and outside the Church. Refer them to Hope Women’s Center where they will be loved well through pregnancy counseling and post-abortion support.

Be a Voice for Purity

Your church can implement youth programs that promote purity through Hope Women’s Center. We can provide information and resources to encourage abstinence and promote sexual health awareness.

Invite Us to Speak

We’d welcome the opportunity to speak at your church and share all God’s vision at Hope. Whether it’s your women or youth ministry, full congregation or small group, Hope Women’s Center is here to speak to your people.